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Surgery information
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Before Surgery
Surgery Day
At Home
FAQ: anesthesia
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Who will provide my anesthesia?
Why must I refrain from eating and/or drinking prior to surgery?
Should I take my usual medications?
May I drive home?
Surgery Information: Before Surgery
- Our pre-operative nurse will call you prior to your procedure to discuss your health status and current medications as well as other important information.
- DO NOT eat or drink anything after midnight, the night before your procedure, unless you have been instructed otherwise.
- You will need a responsible adult to provide transportation home and care after your procedure.
- Please notify your physician of any changes in your physical condition including sore throat, cold, fever, etc. prior to your surgery.
Surgery Information: Surgery Day
- Please bring in the patient checklist, medication list and anesthesia questionnaire with you.
- Check in at the admissions desk at your appropriate time. The business staff will greet and assist with your check in process.
- The nurse will take you to the pre-operative area. In this area, you will sign your consents, change into surgical gown and have your vital signs taken. Every effort will be made to ensure your comfort.
- The anesthesiologist will discuss your anesthetic with you and answer your questions. Then you will meet your operative team whom will re-verify your surgical site with your signed consent. The team will accompany you to the operative room.
- Once the procedure is completed, you will be taken to the Post- Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU). While in PACU, you will be monitored by the specially trained nursing staff.
- The amount of time in PACU will depend on the type of procedure and anesthesia. Upon discharge, the nurse will discuss your after care instructions.
Surgery Information: At Home
- Once you are discharge, please rest and recover.
- DO NOT drive, drink alcohol or operative machinery for 24 hours.
- Please follow the after care instructions given to you from the Oasis Surgery Center and/or your physician.
- You will be given a survey. Please take a moment to complete it. The Oasis Surgery Center always strives for excellence and appreciates hearing any comments or concerns regarding your experience.
- A PACU nurse will contact you after the procedure to ensure that your post operative recovery is going well as anticipated.
Please note: the information on this website should in no way replace or take precedence over Physician orders. We provide this site as a general information tool and is not medical advice. If you require medical advice or attention. Please contact your Physician.
anesthesia: Who will provide my anesthesia?
A: Anesthesia care is provided by R. C. McLean & Associates. They have provided anesthesia service at the Oasis Surgery Center since 1996. This group also provides anesthesia service at Scripps Memorial Hospital and several other locations in San Diego and Orange Counties. Physicians in this group are board certified by the American Board of Anesthesiology and are credentialed at a local Joint Commission accredited hospital.
They can be reached at: |
R. C. McLean & Associates
P.O. Box 25033
Santa Ana, CA 92799-5033 | | |
anesthesia: Why must I refrain from eating and drinking before my anesthetic?
A: You refrain from eating and/or drinking prior to surgery in order to prevent the risks of aspirating gastric contents during your surgery. This complication is very serious and you need to strictly abide by our recommendations. This has nothing to do with nausea and vomiting after your surgery as some think.
anesthesia: Should I take my usual medications?
A: You will be instructed by both the anesthesia team and your surgeon as to which medications you must take. Generally we request that you take most medications on the morning of surgery with a sip of water. Please accurately fill out the medication list and bring it with you the day of surgery.
anesthesia: May I drive home?
A: Any patient receiving anesthesia should not drive until the next day. A patient receiving sedation for a procedure needs a ride home. The few patients who have procedures performed under local anesthesia alone could possible drive home.